🔎 Overview

🔎 Overview#

PolarToolkit is a Python package developed to help with conducting polar science. The 5 modules shown here provide tools to help with a variety of common tasks.



Pre-defined or interactively chosen geographic regions. Includes many ice shelves, glaciers, and general geographic regions. These can be used in functions throughout, such as subsetting data or specifying areas to plot.


Easily download data sets to your computer, retrieve previously download data sets, and perform common gridded data manipulations. This module uses Pooch to managed the download, storage, and retrieve of data, and PyGMT for grid manipulations.


Create high-quality maps using PyGMT with functions specifically tailored to Antarctica (and soon to include Greenland and the Arctic). plot types: 2D, 3D, subplots, interactive maps


Define a line, sample layers & data along it, and plot the results.


Useful functions for common tasks: coordinate conversion, grid comparison, masking, de-trending.