Tips for choosing profile locations

Tips for choosing profile locations#

To help you pick the locations of your profiles, here are a few resources.

EPSG:3031 Polar Stereographic map#

Read x/y coordinates off this map to choose approximate start/end profile points.

import pygmt

fig = pygmt.Figure()
region = (-2700000, 2700000, -2700000, 2700000)
e, w, n, s = region
fig_height = 90  # in mm
fig_width = fig_height * (w - e) / (s - n)
fig_ratio = (s - n) / (fig_height / 1000)
fig_proj = "x1:" + str(fig_ratio)
fig_proj_ll = "s0/-90/-71/1:" + str(fig_ratio)

    region=(*region, "+ue"),
    projection=fig_proj_ll, area_thresh="+ag", shorelines="0.5p,black", land="gray"

with pygmt.config(
    MAP_GRID_PEN_PRIMARY=".4p,dimgray", MAP_GRID_PEN_SECONDARY=".75p,black"
            "sxa500000g500000+a30+leasting (m)",
            "sya500000g500000+lnorthing (m)",

Or if you install ipyleaflet with mamba install ipyleaflet, the below code wil show and interactive map and clicking will give coordinates in EPSG 3031. See the tutorial profile walkthrough for an example of extracting a profile from the interactive map, or tutorial regions_walkthrough for an example of defining a region from the interactive map.

from polartoolkit import maps

m = maps.interactive_map()

Make custom shapefile in QGIS#

QGIS, especially with the Quantarctica package, is an easy way to make a custom shapefile. This can then be used with polartoolkit to sample data along the file.

To make the shapefile in QGIS: * Layer -> Create Layer -> New Shapefile Layer * For Geometry Type, select Polygon * Select EPSG:3031 for the coordinate reference system * Save to the same directory as your python file you want to work with.